naturally immaculate

Photography vs Hair Stylist

Pixie cuts of curls on white wall
This photograph is owned by Naturally Immaculate.

Am I a photographer, editor, hair stylist or an artist? I am all of the above. Ever since a small child, I have craved showing my creative side. Although I am academically book smart, I love to showcase myself through different versions of Art.

Is Hairdressing an Art form?

Yes. Being a hair stylist allows you to show your creativity through your client’s hair. A woman or man’s hair shows us a lot about their own characteristics and persona. You have to make sure you give the right haircut to the right person.

How do I broadcast all my creative skills?

When being a creative person, you need to acknowledge what you are good at. For example, I am a hair stylist, I like to create videos to showcase my work therefore I edit. Editing was a basic skill I acquired in school, I then went onto to study different software to ensure my skills could be exercised. When exercising my editing skills I realised my filming skills could improve so then came the degree. Media and Communications, this degree has allowed me to gain more skills to encourage my different streams of media. Photography, this was an area I lacked. In order to broadcast what you do you need to be able to take an amazing photograph so I took a photography course. You may be thinking how is this relevant to how do I broadcast all of my creative skills? but, this is how. You improve all of the rest of your skills so that you can improve in all other aspects of your creativity.

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